It's about that time again. The annual Wine & Clay Festival hosted by the Llano Estacado Clay Guild and Llano Estacado Winery is happening in 2 weeks! The Leigh Art tables will be fully stocked with 5th Buffalo pottery and the new Wild Rojo colors will be available as well!
Because of my progressed skills, my older BUT wiser brain, and ever growing business sense, I've made the decision to rebrand. The new brand is more suitable to me and what I find attractive and that's super clean, sophisticated, and a little on the southwestern side. The colors have changed, the font has changed, and the look and feel of the website has changed. The art, the art will remain has it has been, in a perpetual state of progression, as will my skills.
After 10+ years of throwing pottery and providing affordable and consistent pricing, Leigh Art has no choice but to increase her prices. As everything else in this economy has gone up, so has the cost to provide collectable and useable pottery. As many of you know, I don't create and develop pieces, painting or pottery, to make my income. I do this because I love it and prefer to continue doing it. With this being said, I hope many of you will still choose to come visit me at the Wine & Clay Festival happening in June at the Llano...