Painting Research

Posted by Whitney Morman on

Painting Research
During some long contemplation over the last 6 or so months, I've decided to take a break from painting my beloved blooms, focus on the real ones in my yard, and propagate some new painting ideas based on an old favorite. 

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Custom Orders & Why I Don't

Posted by Whitney Morman on

One of the questions I receive most often is, "Will you make me something?" The answer is always, "No."  As a young artist, I used to accept custom orders for paintings. I had one custom order and saw the dismay on the customer's face when I brought the piece to them and could feel the disappointment as they handed me the cash. I swore then and there, no more painting custom orders. That was somewhere around 2008-2010. Very rarely have I gone against my own decision and done a commissioned piece. I still vote no on that front.  I used...

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A Note to Graduating High School Seniors Considering Art School

Posted by Whitney Morman on

Having gone to art school at Texas Tech, I thought I would provide a bit of insight into my experience and hopefully, this will open some eyes or provide a chuckle if nothing else. 

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