Painting Research

Posted by Whitney Morman on

During some long contemplation over the last 6 or so months, I've decided to take a break from painting my beloved blooms, focus on the real ones in my yard, and propagate some new painting ideas based on an old favorite. The favorite piece, below, sits on a shelf in my bathroom. I painted it just for me - it's an intimate piece and one that I'm quite proud of. I've been doing some sketch research trying to find new ideas for pieces I'd like to put a brush to using my iPad and hoping to find that similar intrigue that this piece brings about. More to come, absolutely, but below the painting I love is the beginning research pieces.

Enjoy, let me know your thoughts! 

Woman in blue jean shirt, sitting with bare legs on counter with a bottle of whiskey and a glass in hand, painted red finger nails


Sketch of a woman standing in blue jean shirt with a glass of wine in left hand with cat at her feet, back to the viewer

Sketch of woman's legs in a bath tub under water, with cat tail peeking over the end of the tub

Titled "Wine Down", sketch of a woman sitting on her couch, bare legs shown to the knee, glass of wine in the left hand and cat's tail peeking over edge of the ottoman. Entire piece is cast in a soft yellow glow of a lamp nearby -lamp is not in sketch.

Torn knee holes in jeans of a woman with a leg crooked upon a counter holding a crooked drink. Cat tail at her right foot. Woman is in a grey shirt.


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